function calculateCRC16Modbus($data) {
$crc = 0xFFFF;
$polynomial = 0xA001; // This is the polynomial x^16 + x^15 + x^2 + 1
foreach ($data as $byte) {
$crc ^= $byte;
for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) {
if ($crc & 0x0001) {
$crc = (($crc >> 1) ^ $polynomial) & 0xFFFF;
} else {
$crc >>= 1;
return $crc;
$dataHexString = "01050001ff00"; //程序计算出的结果 是反的
$dataBytes = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($dataHexString); $i += 2) {
$dataBytes[] = hexdec(substr($dataHexString, $i, 2));
$crc = calculateCRC16Modbus($dataBytes);
echo strtoupper(dechex($crc)); // Output the CRC as an uppercase hexadecimal string
01 05 00 00 FF 00 8C 3A
01 05 00 01 FF 00 DD FA
8 天前